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History & Usage of Emeralds


Early Emerald Mines & Connoisseurs The famous Egyptian emerald mines, also known as Cleopatra’s emerald mines, were the world’s primary source of emeralds until significant deposits were discovered in the Americas in the 16th century. To the early Egyptians, green was a sacred color associated with the fertility of the land annually flooded by the […]

The Middle Ages
The Middle Ages

Emeralds In The Middle Ages After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, gemological investigation came to a virtual standstill as Europe began its descent into the Dark Ages. The seat of intellectual inquiry passed instead into the hands of Islamic scholars in the East. While these scholars relied heavily on ancient Greek and Roman […]

Modern History
Modern History

Modern Sources And Markets For Emeralds As the Spanish conquistadores plundered the treasuries of the New World, great quantities of confiscated emeralds were shipped to Spain.  In 1519, Hernán Cortés launched his fateful mission to convert the Aztecs of Mexico to Christianity.  When the Aztec emperor Moctezuma learned of ten “ghost” ships anchored off the […]

Emeralds in Literature
Emeralds in Literature

The History Of Emeralds In Literature For centuries, emeralds have provided inspiration for poets, playwrights, and historians.  We have included a few interesting literary references devoted to the mystique of emeralds. The Bible The Emerald Tablet Goethe’s West-Eastern Divan Marbodus, Bishop of Rennes Pablo Neruda Dan Pagis, Twelve Facets of an Emerald Shakespeare Yaffa Yarkoni, […]

Emeralds & Magic/New Age Metaphysics
Emeralds & Magic/New Age Metaphysics

The Mystical Uses Of Emeralds The history of emeralds features a strong presence in the magical and metaphysical world. Just as other notable gemstones have been heralded for their abilities to affect the human body, there are many instances of individuals and groups with the belief that emeralds hold additional powers of persuasion. Emeralds and […]

Emeralds & Religion
Emeralds & Religion

The Presence Of Emeralds In Religion Emeralds have long been incorporated into the beliefs and religions of people around the world.  This is particularly evident in the legends associated with emeralds in South America and ancient Egypt. Aside from the continents of South America and Africa, emeralds are frequently mentioned in sacred texts of the Indian […]

Emeralds and Health
Emeralds and Health

How Emeralds Are Used For Health Throughout history many gemstones, including emeralds, have been thought to possess powerful healing properties.  Since emerald is one of the earliest minerals collected by man, throughout the ages a large number of medical “virtues” have been attributed to it.  Traditional beliefs indicate that emerald benefits the eyes, treats a […]

Emeralds & Love
Emeralds & Love

Emeralds As Expressions Of Love Emeralds have long been associated with love and fidelity in many cultures throughout the world.  According to practitioners of New Age Metaphysics, it opens the heart chakra and promotes harmony and domestic bliss by enabling the wearer to both give and receive unconditional love. We have some evidence that emeralds […]

South American Emerald Legends
South American Emerald Legends

A Guide To Emeralds In South America Long before the European conquest of the New World, emeralds from Colombia were prized by indigenous cultures throughout Central and South America, including the Incas, Aztecs, Toltecs, and the Mayans.  Emeralds played an important role in the celebrations and religious rites of these cultures, and they were also used […]

Amulets & Talismans
Amulets & Talismans

Emeralds As Powerful Protectors Throughout history many gemstones, including emeralds, have been thought to possess powerful protective properties.  An apotrope is an amulet or talisman that protects the owner by warding off evil.  Ancient apotropic tradition has influenced our modern ideas about birthstones, religion, and our beliefs in the healing powers of gemstones and New […]

Astrology and Birthstones
Astrology and Birthstones

The Meaning Behind Gemstones In Astrology Many people know their birthstone and their astrological sign, but few actually understand the significance of the relationship between gemstones and the cosmos. This pairing is not a modern one either, with centuries of cultures the world over finding associations between gemstones and what they saw in the sky. […]

Indian Gemology
Indian Gemology

The Influence Of Indian Gemology There is ample evidence that the cultures of the Indian subcontinent studied gems for millennia.  The Manasara, a classic architectural manual, has shown us that as long as 5,000 years ago, Indian architects used gemstones to decorate and protect the palaces of kings.  Furthermore, many rulers developed special uses and […]

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